So there this girl who stand beside me when i trying to defend a guy who is about 186 cm tall and my eyes focused on the ball that bouncing off the ground..Every other sounds seems to vanished to the air and only a constant 'thud thud thud' sound was heard and it grew louder with each time the person bounce...He suddenly took off and dribbled to my right hand side with huge,long and powerful strides and I did not notice the girl beside me,already prepared to screen me and try to crabwalk to follow the result is clear.I got blocked.He scored.'oh fuck' the girl muttered and i mumbled 'ops sorry' and go prepare for the next 'battle' without my eyes linger on her for more than one second...After the basketball match is over,apparently my friend hasif had overheard her saying 'wa pain sia'.And the match continue..
ok above is my sort of excerpt from a whole story thats not created.i try to use some verbs and stuff to prepare olevel and compo get 14 probably due to i never complete and my word choice and other stuffs really suck so i need to do this kind of passages and also with the criterion being applicable for use in just a few more days i gonna try to get the 6/6 at the website but of course i wouldnt be using expletives.Ok so abt the defending mentioned it onli applicable to females that are strangers and the females from the opponent group..own friend then can slack
In my mind the distinctive voice of wallace said 'the girl also not chio,if the girl chio i sure go block' LOL.poor marcus got rejected by the girl a few times i
In a 'serious' match my vision in my mind and the things that can appear in my mind are the ball,my team mates and the ball going through the hoop thrown by my team mates
Ok tml maybe going out.bye

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